Friday, October 11, 2013


Hey, so we need to figure out who is doing what for the podcasts and how we are going to break up the component of our lesson/unit plan.

Any suggestions?



  1. Do we want to follow the examples that Sharon suggested?
    1. Explain what Project based learning is and why we're using it.
    2. Explain the big idea for our project.
    3. Explain where we are so far: lesson plans

  2. Yeah that works for me if you guys agree with it! I can explain what project based learning is and why we're using it. Have either of you ever created a podcast before?

  3. I've never done a podcast. I can explain the big idea for our project including how the students will be divided into 4 small groups and doing research for each of the four cities.
    I was thinking about the music that's playing in the background, and I was wondering if we're each choosing our own music for our parts, or if we were going to choose one song to play throughout the entire podcast?

  4. I'm going out of town this weekend, so I won't be checking this again until Sunday evening. I think we should each get our individual parts of the podcast done by the beginning of next week, so that we have time to put it all together.
    I can try putting it together.

  5. I think for the music it should be the same so it makes it somewhat cohesive. For the lesson plans since I'm doing that part, am I talking about the lesson plans we did the other week? or just in general? also she has it listed as talking about what we've already done/doing and where we're headed flipped flopped from the order you put. I think it makes more sense to go with what we've done/are doing before we discuss the bigger project. What do you think? Also, Jessica I know you e-mailed her about the project, can you forward us what she said since she never CC'd her response. I invited you both on your g-mail accounts to a google doc so we can outline what we're saying in our podcast.

    1. I think the order you outlined in the google doc is fine, and I think you covered everything for your section :)

  6. I think that it should be the same music. Sorry I was also out of town, due to midterms, I will not have my podcast done until friday afternoon! I will get it to you guys ASAP, after I figure out how to do one!

  7. I forwarded Sharon's response to both of you. The entire podcast should be 3-5 minutes long, so our individual podcasts only need to be about 1 minute.
    I'm putting it all together, right? So, email a MP3 of your portion of the podcast to me.
    Do you either of you have a preference or an idea of what music to put with it? I looked on the free music website that Sharon provided, and I like "Colored Dreams". It's upbeat, sounds positive, but it isn't a definitive genre of music like country or alternative rock . If you enter "Colored Dreams" into the search field, it will be the first one that comes up.
    If you would prefer something else, please let me know.

  8. Sounds good to me, I'm working on my podcast now & hope to be able to send it to you by tonight. Although I'm worried we're missing some additional concepts from the book were supposed to cover.

    1. Sam's explaining why we're using project based learning, which covers concepts in Chapter 1. You talk about students collaborating on their work, which is a concept from Chapter 2, so hopefully this will be good enough :)

  9. I'm confused, is it suppose to just be a voice recording? Or a video of you explaining it?

  10. Sam, check your wmu email. I'm not able to import your recording as it is, so I need you to export it as an mp3 and resend it to me.
