Monday, October 28, 2013

Concept Map Revisions

Hey guys,

I was wondering what were some of the revisions you wanted to make to our original concept map?

Any ideas?



  1. I think under each city we should add the main concepts we want them as a class to learn about each city. Since we're headed towards a living museum, I think the concepts should include famous individuals in history from each designated city, what the city is known for, when each city was formed...any others you two would like to include?

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Kaitlyn. We also need to write Living Museum in the center of our map under the heading.
    I think we also need to somehow include the lessons that we've developed into the concept map. Maybe we could add a "Lessons" bubble, and we could list the lessons in that bubble:
    Google Map Assignment
    Virtual Pen Pals
    Portage timeline
    Famous People
    Comparing Community Changes

  3. Okay, I agree. If you guys give me your info you want in your bubbles, I can add it to our existing concept map. If I could get the stuff by tomorrow (Thursday) night that would be great! I am going out of town this weekend and would like to get it done before then.

  4. I don't know if the lessons should be included considering isn't this a concept map about what we want our students to learn from our lessons?

    In any case -

    Lesson #1 - the main concept from my lesson was for students to research an influential person from each designated city. They also learned how to collaborate as a group to create and present a final project (PowerPoint) to the class.

    Lesson #2 - the main concept for this lesson is for students to compare the 4 cities by using the data they collect. The top row (in Excel) going horizontal will have each city, the first row going vertical will have a series of questions. The kids are supposed to either fill in the requested data or mark it with an "x" if that city has it.

    Thanks sam for putting the concept map together again for us! I agree with Jessica that the center bubble should be Living Museum (maybe Living Museum of Southwest Michigan??)

  5. Sam, I changed my lesson 2. The students will still be comparing cities, however they will be comparing the distance between the cities.

  6. Hey guys, the requirements for the revised concept map are that it must be submitted by a different person than the person who submitted the first one, which means that Sam can't revise the map for us. Since I put the podcast together last weekend, I'd rather not have to work on this.

    The description for the map says that it's a planning tool to help develop ideas for the project and that all main ideas must be included in the map. With that description, I'm not sure if the lessons should be included in the map or not. Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.

  7. I don't see anywhere in the assignment description of where it says a different person needs to submit it, but I can work on it.
