Friday, November 22, 2013

Team Website

I decided to create a new post so that we can put any questions we have about the team website in one place to prevent people asking the same questions! -Sam


  1. i created a google account for the website.
    password: localhistory

    all the other names were already taken! ha so this is what we have, i'll start working on it this weekend.

  2. I signed on but I don't get how you edit something? Or even create something for that fact?! HELP!

  3. I created a page & now I'm adding information based off our template. When you sign into, the webpage should be there. I titled it local history. I left the tips of how to edit & change the templates above the navigation, which will be removed later once we've completed it. I added all the pages under navigation as well. When you go to a page you want to edit, click on it & it will bring you there. Than click on the pencil looking icon to edit the page.

    ***also please remind me, i changed the setting so that only people who can view it is us (when signed into the swmich account) when we finish remind me to change it back incase i forget!

  4. I cannot figure out how to add blogger to the website, i know there's a way but I haven't figured it out yet. If either of you two figure it out go right ahead! for now i just posted the website. I'll work on it more later on this week.

  5. Sorry, I was on the go all weekend and today. I'll start working on the website tomorrow.

  6. Kaitlyn, THANK YOU for starting the website! I love the introduction and welcome on the home page.
    We also have to revise our concept map one last time this week and post it on this blog and on our website. I'm wondering if the revised concept map should be more like our storyboard outline where each bubble is one of the pages that's on the website?

  7. I felt like our website needed some color, but if you don't like the background color, then we can change it back to white.

  8. Hey did someone create our final concept map?!

  9. No, Sam, we still need to make the final concept map an post it on here and on the website. I'm wondering if the entire concept map should be changed to follow the outline of the website where each bubble represents one of the website pages, except for the home page and standards page.

  10. I agree that it needed some color, but I hope you don't mind that I changed it. I didn't like how the pictures looked, making them have a white box around them (if that makes sense). So I found a more historic looking background that reduced the white space that the images made. If you don't like it, feel free to change it!

    As for the final concept map, I agree that it'd be a good idea to follow the storyboard. Should we include the wrap up too?

  11. Kaitlyn, I like how you changed the website to look like a book!

    Can one of you try to figure out how to insert the group podcast onto the home page, because I still can't figure it out. If you need me to email to you, just let me know.

    I should have time later this week to complete the final concept map.

  12. Oh good :) I'm glad you like it. I can try & figure it out, will you resend it to my wmich email? I thought I saved the file but can't seem to find it... Thanks for volunteering to do the final concept map! I'm hoping to get my portion of the project done by friday night (that's my goal anyways ha). I love how this is all turning out!

    1. Never mind Jessica, I found the file & embedded the player to the home page :)

  13. Also, I went through all the pages & in all caps I wrote what still needs to be added. Jessica it looks like you're pretty much done, if you'll just add the standards you used on the standards page that'd be great! Also, on one of your pages you had written your contact info on there, I took that off because I felt the readers/visitors shouldn't know who created what since this is a team website. Hope that's okay! I like how on the home page, however, that all of our names are listed.

    1. I put my name and email, because it's required. This is the description on elearning:

      Each page DOES need to contain the name of the student that created it.

      • Each page must contain a linked email address

      So you guys need to do the same thing. You can put the team email if you want as the contact. I put my own email, so that if anyone actually writes to me, I'll respond back.

  14. sorry guys I've been really sick and running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I will work on my pages some today and try to finish it by friday night as well!

  15. Okay I have all my stuff up on the website and even added my standards for my lessons.

  16. sorry, i got called into work last night so I wasn't able to work on the website till now. I should have it done by tonight though :)

  17. Sam, I can't figure out how you formatted the standards you used. Is there anyway you can reformat the standards so all of our stuff looks the same?

  18. Okay, here's a list of what still needs to be done:

    - Add the final concept map to the wrap up page
    - add your standards to the standards page

    -cite your image sources you used on your pages (see mine or Jessica's pages for examples)

    Also, if someone could reformat the standards page so everything looks the same, I'm struggling with it a lot. I went through and added any standards that we would use in general in addition to the standards I used for my lessons. Both of you, please look it over & make sure we have everything. I went through it & I think we have everything, but I could've missed something. As far as I'm concerned, once you two add the above information, we're all good to post it :)

    1. Sam, ignore me I just realized that Living Museums page is Jessica's page, so Jessica please cite the picture.

  19. Sorry I checked it and it looked like you figure it out! I made the text all the same size. Who is going to post the URL?

  20. I had a busy weekend, and I'm finally finishing up the website. I realize you girls may not see this now, but I'm not sure that each page has a new idea as required.

    "Each web page needs to contain one or two new items of information not given throughout the semester -- ideas, lesson plans, etc. for your topic. All items of information must have a short description of what they are. This should have been figured out on your storyboard."

    I think the following pages still need new ideas: Timelines, Local History and Pen Pals. It can be as simple as a lesson idea. You don't have to create the lesson, just give the idea. Or, on the wrap up page, Kaitlyn suggested visiting Greenfield Village, which is a great new idea.

    Also, I think Sam needs to add two more website links to the website. We each were supposed to contribute three new websites. I think Creately could count as one.
    "Each team member must find three (3) additional web sites. These web sites may contain teaching resources, lesson plans, and interactive web site resources as long as they pertain to the topic - each link needs a description of the web site. They need to be plugged in appropriate places and must NOT contain the name of the person who found them. Each URL needs a short description of what it is. REMEMBER: Do not list at the bottom, or add to a resource or a page with extra web site .... they should all be within the content of the web pages."

  21. Jessica, are you still going to post the final concept map to the website??

    1. and the standards you used for your lessons?

    2. I was working on these things when you posted these comments :)

  22. I added new resources to local history page.

  23. Sam, just add the info you need & than post the URL, all the other information is there. I'll check back here around 1030 & if it's not posted by then, than I'll just post it. It looks really good!

  24. I've added everything that I needed to add. Kaitlyn, you already changed the settings so that it's viewable to anyone, right?
    Thank you for everything you did to put the website together!

  25. Yes, I made it viewable last night. I just made my boyfriend look it up on his computer to make sure everything is viewable & works how it's supposed to :)

  26. I have all of my info on the website already. Ill post it now!
