Friday, November 8, 2013

Collaborative Storyboard

So I am confused on this whole storyboard thing. I'm not quite sure where to even begin. Any suggestions? We need to figure out what pages we are doing? -Sam


  1. Each person is creating their own storyboard. For example, I'm going to create mine as an introduction to the virtual pen pal assignment. I'm going to focus on the concept of collaboration. So the majority of my movie will be focusing on what collaboration is, why it's important, I'll discuss how we have already used it in the classroom, and than I'll introduce the virtual pen pal assignment focusing on how collaboration will be used.

    hope that helped!

  2. So for yours, I would focus on the concept of changes in the community over time. I don't know if you've already done yours or not, but if not if I were you I wouldn't limit myself to just Portage. The idea, at least how I understand it, is a way for you to introduce an assignment/project to the class. So if you wanted to focus on just Portage, maybe use it as an example but introduce the project as general as possible since not all students will be in the Portage group. For the past two lesson plan assignments, I've made my student examples about cities that aren't included in the 4 we're focusing on. My thought behind it is if I'm actually teaching this, I don't want to do all the work for a group of students or give them a chance to copy it, just to give them an idea of what I'm looking for. Maybe you'll want to do something like that.

  3. I thought it was a whole-group storyboard?

    1.Home (blog, podcast, and concept map)
    3. Kaitlyn
    4. Kaitlyn
    5. Sam
    6. Sam
    7. Jessica
    8. Jessica

    She said that everyone should complete two pages (Home and Standard pages not included).

    If so, what are your two pages about exactly?

  4. 1. Home (Blog, Podcast, and Concept Map)
    2. Standards
    3. Kaitlyn
    4. Kaitlyn
    5. Timeline
    -Timeline powerpoint (Hotlist websites)
    - Data collection on population correlated to major historical events (New information/websites needed)
    6. Digital Story
    - Show Example Digital Story Timeline (URL)
    - Students Create their own Digital Story Timelines to share with virtual pen pals (hasn't been done yet, new information needed, new website)
    7. Jessica
    8. Jessica

    These were my ideas for my pages, does it work?

  5. I don't understand where you're getting that from exactly.

    My understanding is that we each create a video, like the examples she posted under the instructions, that we can use to possibly introduce a project. So for mine I'll discuss collaboration & it's benefits & then introduce how we as a class are going to collaborate with our virtual pen pals from London.

    1. Never mind, ignore me. I thought you were talking about the digital story.

  6. Sam, you're on the right track as far how you've divided the pages. We need to decide what pages are most important for the website for our project. I'm going to start a Google doc for us to work on this.

  7. The last thing for the story board, shouldn't it be the Living Museum? I'm really confused by this project. Are we creating an actual website or just a list of what the website would look like?

    Jessica, when you start the google doc, can you please invite me via wmu's email...I rarely check my gmail. We should get started on it ASAP since it's due on Friday.

  8. I'm sorry, I've been having problems with my internet since last night, so I haven't been able to start the Google doc, and I can't access it from my phone. I'll go somewhere first thing in the morning to get it done. I have a pretty good idea of what it should look like, and I'll get most of it done.
    To clarify, this week, we are creating an outline for a website that we will actually be creating eventually.

  9. I started the storyboard in a google doc and shared it with both you, so check your emails, so you can access it.

  10. I added and edited the Google Docs to what I had originally said I was going to do (posted above). Today is the only day I have time to work on the new lesson plan I am creating where students are creating their own digital story, so I am just going to go for it!

  11. I added to it, I'll be able to work on it tomorrow throughout the day (during my class breaks) and Friday if need be after 4. Let me know what else I need to add!

  12. Sam, the new lesson that you're creating doesn't have to be done this week.

  13. Kaitlyn, you asked on the google doc if you still needed to add another new item.
    This is what we need:

    1. Each person is responsible for 2 web pages
    2. Each person must create one new resource (podcast, digital story or lesson) that hasn't been created yet to be put onto the website. (Kaitlyn, I think you need to decide what your new resource will be and put it on the storyboard.)
    3. Each web page must have one new lesson plan idea with reference websites

    We need to decide if our last web page is Digital Stories or Pen Pals. I think it makes more sense for it to be titled Pen Pals, since there are three lessons that involve communicating with the Pen Pals, including Sam's new lesson idea.

    Kaitlyn, you need to be responsible for another web page, so is it ok, if you're responsible for the Wrap Up page? If you would rather be responsible for the Living Museum page, then I'll be responsible for the Wrap Up page. I could do either. Just put your name in parenthesis next to whichever one you want to do.

    I can submit the storyboard before 5:00 tomorrow if it's done. Otherwise, I have plans in the evening, so whoever is the last person working on it, please submit it when you're done.

  14. Both of you need to add your websites from the web evaluation assignments we did at the beginning of the semester in the spaces I provided (see how I did mine)

    Thank you for the clarification Jessica! I'll add what I'm missing tonight. I can do the wrap up, no problem.

  15. I added my website links from the web eval. Mine should be all set to go! So Jessica you're going to submit it, right?

  16. I'm pretty sure I've added everything I need to. Jessica, please look it over & let me know if I need to add anything. I work tomorrow till 4, so if I need to add anything I'll just submit it when I get off work. Otherwise feel free to submit it once you've added your websites from your web evaluations.

  17. I just did. I added my website, and I think we covered everything.

  18. perfect! thanks again for submitting it! :)
